October 2018: Tips, eNews & More!

Your chance to win a Take Home Whitening
Dr. Benedict and his team are super excited to join Facebook and Instagram.
Follow us and tag two friends for your chance to win a Take Home whitening.
Double your chances by doing the same on Instagram.
Winners announced on our social media on October 31st, 2018.
Some Well Deserved Relaxation
Dr. Benedict treated his team to some well deserved pampering and relaxation at Ste Anne's Spa in Grafton, Ontario. We're back to work feeling re-energized and rejuvenated - but as always, we would be ready for another SPA day anytime!
Sports Mouthguard Clinic a Success
Dr. Jordan Benedict is pleased to present the donation to Molly Klintworth, Northumberland Sports Council Coordinator, accepting on behalf of KidSport Northumberland.
We love doing the Sports Mouthguard clinic each year and seeing our donations go towards helping kids who would not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in organized sports.
How Can Obstructive Sleep Apnea Affect You?You are likely hearing more about Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) as it is becoming more common and thanks to an increase in practitioners who are able to assist in the diagnosis. OSA can most easily be explained as the complete or partial obstruction of the upper airway during sleep, leading to decreased breathing or episodes of no breathing at all. This happens because muscle tissues around the throat relax during sleep, covering the airway.
Click here to read more.
Turmeric Spiced Pumpkin CakeTurmeric has many wonderful health benefits, this recipe incorporates it in a healthy sugar free and gluten free pumpkin spice cake recipe. The turmeric flavour is subtle and adds a warm earthiness which compliments the other more traditional fall spices in this recipe. Compliments of DatePasteRecipes.com
Click here for the full recipe.